Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Another Self Portrait

I did a self portrait for my life drawing class, and I think I like it even  more than that other portrait I did a couple weeks ago. You can see that here:

This portrait, done in charcoal, took about 3 hours.

Looking at it now, I can see that I need to work on building the structure longer before I get carried away with rendering. This is one of my favorite drawings to date though. I'm getting confident enough with charcoal that I can start playing with lost edges and other fun little tricks. I am thoroughly enjoying myself lately.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Head Drawing

Sucking at something is the first step to being kinda good at something
-Jake the Dog
Charcoal, 40 minutes.

Those words from Jake are very comforting to me lately. I feel more and more like I am leaving the sucking stage and getting into the being kinda good stage. This is one of the best Portrait drawings I've been able to do, and I was able to do it in 40 minutes. It still has its issues, like the mushy eye and the unfinished mouth, but on the other hand, that is one of the best ears I've drawn. I can say with some confidence that this drawing doesn't suck. It may even be kinda good.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I've been painting more lately. I've been studying painters and pushing myself to
learn to paint looser and not get wrapped up in insignificant details. The more I paint, the more I love painting. I've started to see that painting is such a great outlet for your own personal creativity. There are so many ways to mix paint, choose colors, and apply the brushstrokes that everyone paints differently. Finding exactly how I paint is shaping up to be quite an enjoyable journey.
The shadow side of this tree looks much better than the light side I think.

These are paintings from the figure drawing marathon that I just finished. The fist two are hour long studies and the second one was about three hours. I had never painted a figure before, and I really enjoyed it.
This is a painting of Gregory Manchess, one of the painters I've been studying lately. His loose brushwork and talent for describing form are things I strive for in my own paintings.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Figure Drawing Marathon

Just finished up a four day figure drawing marathon 
with the shrunkenheadman club.
The first two days were just not good days for me. 
Those were the days that the nudes came in.

On the last day though, we did costume drawings and i definitely hit my stride here.
I thought that I would do terribly drawing the clothing, but the marks that I
naturally make with my hand lend themselves nicely to clothing drawing.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


 Drawing unflattering caricatures of people you don't know is fun.

Both the quality and style of what I draw lately are incredibly inconsistent. Maybe it's because i don't think about most of my drawing until I've already started them. Whatever the reason, right after I finished the caricatures, I did this drawing.
I don't know what part of the endless reaches of my mind these drawings come from, but someday I hope I can go there.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Self Portrait

So this is probably the most successful self portrait I've ever done.
 I worked off of this sketch, and from the second my pencil touched the paper, this probably took me about two and a half hours.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

More Drawings

I was doing some semi-blind contour drawings earlier, and I accidentally 
made  a cool looking drawing. 
 I went over it afterwards with a graphite stick to get some tone on there before trying to do a similar drawing again. The one on the right is the second drawing.
 Here is a close up of the face.
Another semi-blind contour.